Eleanor Gibson was an American experimental psychologist
Eleanor Gibson was an American experimental psychologist whose famous works includes her study of depth perception theory on how children perceive their environment.
Eleanor stumbled on the virtual cliff discovery in one of her experiment that involves raising rats in the dark on a virtual cliff made of a sheet of glass with patterned paper, an experiment initially meant to get more use out of dark-reared rats. The dark-reared having presumed to have lost perception in the dark, was expected to walk indiscriminately on the near and far sides of the cliff. However, to her surprise the dark-reared rats chose the near side, and consistently avoided the glass-covered drop-off portion of the cliff. This shows the dark-reared rats which have not had any previous experience about depth could perceive depth. Gibson later on tested this experience on other animals. She also tested it on human babies using the presence of the mother to initiate crawling. The babies were also found to perceive depth on the cliff without a prior knowledge or experience of such.
Congress would most likely rely on the following:
The Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution declares the laws of the Constitution as supreme over state laws. In the case of conflict, federal law takes precedence over state laws and state constitutions. This cqn be found in Article 6, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution.
States would most likely rely on:
The nullification theory allowing states to nullify federal laws they find as unconstitutional, or interposition the right of a state to interpose between the states citizens and the federal government.
Answer: American Sociological Association (ASA) and American Psychological Association (APA)
Explanation: ASA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to developing sociology as a discipline and as a profession.
APA is an organization that represents psychology.
continued to support British rule
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