they seek shelter i guess lol
They put there own personal beliefs into the event and how they feel.
Rule of law is a principle under which all persons, institutions, and entities are accountable to laws that are:
Publicly promulgated
Equally enforced
Independently adjudicated
And consistent with international human rights principles.
This is an example of self-serving bias.
- In such self serving bias, people usually take credits or attribute positive things to their own.
- On the contrary, they can easily blame others for negative events.
- Thus, when Penny got the acting job, she made herself responsible, boasting about her own caliber.
- However, when she failed to take the next acting work, she blamed the casting director.
- There may be a reason that she may not had done her previous work with perfection, but self serving bias didn’t let the person evaluate that.
A concern shared by a group of people on which they have not yet chosen to act collaboratively is called. a latent interest.