Step-by-step explanation:</h3>
Percentages represent a proportion of a number. There are 2 ways to find a percent of a whole number.
Multiple of 10
Since 30% is a multiple of 10%, there is a shortcut we can use. We can find 10% and then multiply by 3 in order to find 30%. First, find 10% of 50. Like always, 10% of any number is that number divided by 10 (move the decimal 1 place to the left).
So, 10% of 50 is 5.0.
Then, to find 30%, multiply 5 by 3.
30% of 50 is 15.
The more consistent method includes multiplication, this can be used with any percentage. To use this method we need to convert 30% to a decimal. To convert any percentage to a decimal divide by 100 (move the decimal 2 places to the left).
Now, we can multiply this decimal by the whole number, 50. This will give us our desired answer.
So, this once again shows that 30% of 50 is 15.