Maybe 7411 or someones birthday in the family
A. Technicians A and B
When we're talking about generic scanners and about all OBD-II codes, in this case, both technician A and B is the correct answer. Because we can scan all OBD-II codes with a generic scan.
But the technician A just says generic tools must be able to read all generic OBD-II codes and technicians B just says generic scan tools must be able to read manufacture OBD-II code, both are correct.
Creating a Chat Server Using Java
Introduction: Creating a Chat Server Using Java. ...
Step 1: Setup a ServerSocket in the Server Class. ...
Step 2: Create a Socket in the Login Class. ...
Step 3: Create a Loop to Continuously Accept Clients. ...
Step 4: Create the Client Threads. ...
Step 5: Create the Server Thread. ...
Step 6: Make the Client Thread Send and Receive Data.
Shuffle (A[1..m], B[1..n], C[1..m+n]):
Shuf[0, 0] ← True
for j ← 1 to n
Shuf[0, j] ← Shuf[0, j − 1] ∧ (B[j] = C[j])
for i ← 1 to n
Shuf[i, 0] ← Shuf[i − 1, 0] ∧ (A[i] = B[i])
for j ← 1 to n
Shuf[i, j] ← False
if A[i] = C[i + j]
Shuf[i, j] ← Shuf[i, j] ∨ Shuf[i − 1, j]
if B[i] = C[i + j]
Shuf[i, j] ← Shuf[i, j] ∨ Shuf[i, j − 1]
return Shuf[m, n]
The algorithm runs in O(mn) time.
Since java.util.PriorityQueue doesn't use the Cloneable interface, I think it's safe to say that Serializable interfaces are implemented in all instances.