Because if you got more resources to the construction of the factory it could be built faster so when the factory was built half of the money.Will go to the boat company and railway that got the recourse to the factory.Also you have to look at the supply and demand if they wanted more dresser the demand for.More recourse so the railroad company will give them recourse.And this also helped with the workers coming from the country side to work it was 2$ a week but its more from where they worked in the fields.
Should seem pretty obvious but the traders gained goods from their trade which is a benefit and slaves being slaves, suffered.
It is true that the African families
tended to be matrilineal, in contrast to the European tradition. Since the
beginning of time, African societies have been inherently matrilineal in
orientation. Also, since hunting
expeditions gave control of food production to men, European societies
suppressed a matrilineal culture.
Corroborating this enduring social system that has defied the
most impossible odds are the queens and powerful figures in their
rights, such as the Rain Queen Modjaji, Queen Nerfetiti of Egypt, Queen Makeda
of Ethiopia, Queen Candace Amanirena of Nubia, Queen Manthatisi of South
Africa. The introduction of Islam, Christianity, and the colonial
conquest which imposed patriarchal rule changed this socio-cultural construct.
Large political and social movements. Increased instability and oppression.