Answer: Yes
Explanation: In the above case, a quasi-contract was formed. This is when a bilateral contract is not in place but one party will enjoy the benefit of the activities of the other party and may be enriched by it.
A bilateral agreement is the exchange of a promise for another and in this case would have been, the promise that Dozier would pay for Paschall’s work. This was not established, however, Dozier will benefit from Paschall’s work unduly if he does not pay for the improvements. The law holds that he has to pay for Paschall’s work to prevent being unjustly enriched.
Thirdly, storage of services is not possible, as services are consumed when offered to a customer.
Answer: Option 3.
Perishable is a feature where a good or service can not be stored for long. They might get hampered and do not remain like their original self if they are stored.
Services have a perishable nature in the sense that they can not be stored like some of the goods which can be stored. The services are to be consumed then and there at the moment when they are offered to the customers. They can not be kept reserved.
Ritualism is the type of deviance that his behavior illustrates.
What is ritualism in deviance?
Ritualism entails rejecting cultural objectives while routinely accepting the methods for accomplishing them. Retreatism entails rejecting both the cultural objectives and the conventional ways of accomplishing them.
What is the concept of strain theory?
According to strain theories, some stresses or strains make crimes more likely. These strains cause unpleasant feelings like annoyance and rage. Crime is one possible response to these feelings, which put pressure on people to take corrective action.
What does the strain theory argue?
According to the Strain Theory, crime happens when there aren't enough possibilities for people to successfully pursue the standard aspirations of a society. There is a "tension" between the objectives and the methods to achieve them in such a setting, and some people turn to crime to succeed.
Learn more about strain theory:
Unemployment is the art of being jobless. Unemployment rate is the number of people unemployed as a percentage of labor force where the labor force include those unemployed plus those in paid or self employment. There are several types of unemployment including, seasonal , cyclical, structural and frictional unemployment among others. In this case, cyclical employment involves layoffs during recessions.