The Declaratory Act proclaimed that Parliament "had hath, and of right ought to have, full power and authority to make laws and statutes of sufficient force and validity to bind the colonies and people of America ... in all cases whatsoever". The phrasing of the act was intentionally unambiguous.
It was the fact that world super powers at the time (U.S) and (U.S.S.R) where building up an armory of nukes but they both knew if they where to use these weapons it would utterly destroy the world.
Here's a memory aid: (U.S): hey Russia lets not kill each other with nukes in this war lets just keep it "COOL" and spy on each other instead
The two variables needed to calculate demand are desire and willingness: Answer A is the closest option I could compare. If you disagree, feel free to choose another option.
Good job, but I really wanted to see it. Even if John told me no.
And I slap the hardest but out of the pictures, probably the nun
They sided with the french because the french had already established treaties and such with them so they could safely fur trap, while the british where conquering more and more of their territory uncaring about relations with the natives, becoming more of a menace to their society.