Hi , so your answer is that a good web page design is to make it easy to use and meaningful and able to help people .
Really hope i helped , have a nice day :)
In general, synchronous communication means you have to wait for the answer all the time. The programming logic is simpler, but the cost that you spend a lot of time waiting.
If the options are:
<span>a. The people communicating don't need to be online at the same time.
b. There is lag time in the communication.
c. The communication occurs in real time.
a is false, you do need to be online to receive the message
b is true, typically you continue only after an acknowledgement
c is true, you wait for acknowledgement that occurs in real time (not necessarily fast though)</span>
<span>B. Second phase of the Keynesian LRAS Curve.</span>
By presuming the question expect us to write a program to address the problem and the solution code written in Python is as follow:
- beer_name = input("Enter beer name: ")
- abv = int(input("Enter ABV value: "))
- if(abv > 10):
- label = "Very High"
- elif(abv >=6):
- label = "High"
- elif(abv >=3):
- label = "Average"
- else:
- label = "Low"
- print("Beer Name: " + beer_name)
- print("ABV value: " + str(abv))
- print(label)
Firstly, we can use input function to prompt user to input beer name and ABV value (Line 1 - 2).
Next, create if else if statements to check abv fallen into which range of value and then set a label accordingly (Line 4 -11). For example if abv is 4, the label will be set to "Average".
At last, print the information of beer that includes beer name, abv value and label (Line 13 - 15).
From what my teacher taught us it would be c.