scope because the scope will determine the Time for the employee to work
<u>class -files and auxiliary resources</u>
JAR stands for Java Archive which allows one to make multiple file bundles into a single file which is archive file and these JAR files contains in them the the auxiliary resources and the class files.
The archive file allows us to be storage efficient by compressing our data and files.
These files also allows us to transform our software into extensions as well.
For the enforcement of consistency of version of the packages, these files can be sealed optionally.
The answer is the alu arithmetic logic unit.
D. Prepare the content
Before Jennifer starts designing the website she has to prepare content for the website
12. for (i = 0 ; i < testGrades.length ; i+=1 ){
13. if (testGrades[i] > 100){
14. sumExtra = sumExtra + testGrades[i] - 100;}
15. }
We first iterate through the entire testGrades array. For each test score that is in testGrades ( that is testGrades[i] ), we see whether or not the test grade is above 100 (See line 12) . If test grade is greater than 100, this means we have extra credit. We simply subtract 100 from the test grade, add it with the previous value of sumExtra and store the value back in sumExtra(see line 14). Once i is greater than the length of the test grades, the loop is exited. We can now print sumExtra to obtain the result.