If you receive in bulk the unsolicited messages, then that does mean that your inbox is being spammed. This will not harm you but you will lose the Gb that is allocated to your mailbox. And if you will not check then your mailbox will soon be full, and you might not receive some of the important messages that you should reply to immediately.
Input his name in the dictionary function, you can also copy the given name an paste as much as you need
Case-sensitivity is inherently faster to parse (albeit only slightly) since it can compare character sequences directly without having to figure out which characters are equivalent to each other. It allows the implementer of a class/library to control how casing is used in the code.
BSA (The Software Alliance), styled as "BSA | The Software Alliance," is a trade group founded by Microsoft in 1988 that attempts to eliminate software piracy of the software made by its members. Many major software makers are part of the BSA, including Adobe, Apple, Autodesk and Oracle, among others.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void divide(int numerator, int denominator, int *quotient, int *remainder)
*quotient = (int)(numerator / denominator);
*remainder = numerator % denominator;
int main()
int num = 42, den = 5, quotient=0, remainder=0;
divide(num, den, "ient, &remainder);
return 0;
The exercise is for "Call by pointers". This technique is particularly useful when a variable needs to be changed by a function. In our case, the quotient and the remainder. The '&' is passing by address. Since the function is calling a pointer. We need to pass an address. This way, the function will alter the value at the address.
To sum up, in case we hadn't used pointers here, the quotient and remainder that we set to '0' would have remained zero because the function would've made copies of them, altered the copies and then DELETED the copies. When we pass by pointer, the computer goes inside the memory and changes it at the address. No new copies are made. And the value of the variable is updated.
Thanks! :)