advantages. discounts, builds credit, helps keep track on when you need to pay.
disadvantages. could overcharge if it doesn't have enough, could ruin credit, could jeopardize future loans
setTimeout is a native JavaScript function (although it can be used with a library such as jQuery, as we'll see later on), which calls a function or executes a code snippet after a specified delay (in milliseconds).
Try resetting your device.
In order to send and receive iMessages to your iPhone, iMessage must be enabled. By doing this, you will associate your phone number with the email address used for your Apple ID or iCloud account.
I would say it is considered as science and a bit of maths as its the 'study of abstract machines and automata'
Steps to insert an index in a document
- open the document
- click on the <u>references</u> tab either above or below the document
- click the <u>mark entry</u> button
- select a word or group of words for the index
- click on the <u>mark entry</u> dialogue box
- format the page numbers in your index
- format the text for your index entry
- click <u>mark</u>
- click <u>mark all</u>