The answer is tides.
Explanation: high tides and low tides are caused by the moon. The moons gravitational pull generates the tidal force
In early spring, many wildflowers begin to grow, produce flowers, and release seeds. The leaves of the wildflowers make food before the leaves of the trees in the area begin to develop. The early growth pattern of the wildflowers would likely result in decreased competition for sunlight between the trees and the wildflowers (1). There is a good reason why the wildflowers grow so much earlier than the trees. If they start growing at the same time in spring, then the tree leaves will block out the sun for the wildflowers.
RR is hom0zygous dominant and will Red
Rr is heterosygous and will also be red
rr is hom0zygous recessive and will be white
The genetic code as translated is for m-RNA not DNA. The messenger RNA carries the code into the cytoplasm where protein synthesis occurs.
From this information, you can conclude that the organism is NON FASTIDIOUS.
A non fastidious organism is one who will grow in most culture mediums, that is, it is not selective when it comes to nutrients and will use any available source as a source of food and energy.