The grade 10 class is going to bake muffins. The recipe that they are going to use requires the following ingredients: RECIPE ✓2
Egga ✔125ml Cooking oll ✓375ml brown sugar (300g) ✓800ml Milk ✓300g Whole wheat flour ✓ 375ml cake flour (210g) ✓5ml Salt ✓ 5ml Vanilla Essence ✓ 10ml Bicarbonate of soda ✓ 250ml Raisins (150g) 2.1 The volume of 150g of Whole wheat is 250ml. Calculate the volume of the Whole wheat flour in the recipe 2.2 When they are all mixed together, all the above ingredients make up 2 litres of mixture (because some parts dissolve into other parts). 2.2.1 Convert 2 litres into ml 2.2.2 How many muffins can the above recipe make if 60ml is required for each muffin? 2.2.3 Using your answer to question 2.2.2, how many eggs will the girls need to buy to make 500 muffins? 2.3 The students need to make 500 muffins, using muffin trays that hold 6 muffins par tray. They plan to put 4 trays at a time into the ovens. Each oven takes 30 minutes to bake. How long will they take to make 500 muffins if they will be using 4 ovens?