Hey there! I've been reading too much of "Tower of God" recently (it's a great webtoon!), so I'll take some examples from there. Don't worry! This isn't intended as an advertisement, haha.
The main character, Baam, acquires great power by season 2. He uses his immense abilities to protect his friends, instead of using it to purposely hurt anyone with the intent of making them suffer. Of course, this is in a comic, so it isn't really realistic. In real life, power (which is usually wealth or a powerful position) can be used to help others by donating to those in need. Charity and nonprofits all need those donations! They can be used to help make the world better for many.
On the other hand, there are people who use power for bad things. For example, a powerful business tyrant may use his influence and money to get rid of rivaling competitors. This is very dirty, but his power made hurting his rivals possible. Hurting them could mean anything from sabotaging their next big breakthrough project to something as overboard as killing them.
Hope this helps! Have a great day :)
- Person vs. Person
- Person vs. Self
- Person vs. Supernatural
- Person vs. Nature
- Person vs. Society
- Person vs. Technology
These letters hasn't been sent.
according to the grammar.
thanks me later!!
the french girl is a woman who encourages elie to remain strong and she is jewish, nice, kind & thouughtful & years later, (elie) he runs into her on a metro in paris.