Professor charisma's viewpoint best illustrates the "evolutionary" perspective, while professor smith best illustrates the "social-cultural" perspective.
To utilize an evolutionary perspective is to think about all practices, for example, fears, biases, and connections etc. as the consequence of developmental procedures. This point of view takes the position that practices appeared because of adjustments to living conditions. While social-cultural perspective endorse the norms and values approved and appreciated by the society.
Violence & Bloodshed (hence the term for the event "Bleeding Kansas") arose when slave-owning & pro-slavery settlers as well as free settlers moved into the territory of Kansas, and both sides fought in a literal all-out war to see if Kansas was to be admitted as a free or slave state. However, Kansas was admitted as a free state to the Union, and was a prologue to what will later become known as the American Civil War, as the uneasy peace and failure to balance powers became the eventual stepping stones towards the South declaring independence.
Answer:Scientific classification
Class: Cephalopoda
Order: Oncocerida
Family: Valcouroceratidae
Geneva Convention for the Treatment of Prisoners of War (GPW)
Explanation: The Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War was first adopted in 1929, but significantly revised at the 1949 conference.
It defines humanitarian protections for prisoners of war. There are 196 state parties to the Convention.
The President’s decision to deny the detainees prisoner-of-war (POW) status remains a point of contention, in particular with respect to members of the Taliban, with some arguing that it is based on an inaccurate interpretation of the Geneva Convention for the Treatment of Prisoners of War (GPW), which they assert requires that all combatants captured on the battlefield are entitled to be treated as POWs until an independent tribunal has determined otherwise.
The main point of the Gettysburg Address was this: Foreign Nations, stay out of our civil war! The union has turned the tide and the rebels to will be conquered and we will be one nation again soon. For the union, the civil war was not about slavery, but about making the Union whole