What to do during a flood
Tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) are genes that regulates the cell cycle of a cell (i.e the cell division and replication). In other words, TSGs encodes protein that act as control or regulator of cell growth.
However, when there is an alteration in the genetic sequence (mutation) of the TSGs, this make the cell not to respond to cues that had been regulating it growth.
Thus, when cell growth is not regulated, it results to runaway or abnormal cell growth (i.e multiple folds cell division and replication), in other word referred to as “cancer”.
One structure that can be found is most plant cells is chloroplast. A plant cell may have around 0 to 20 chloroplast, depending on their location in plant or their function.
Chloroplast is the structure that photosynthesis occurs. Photosynthesis is the method that plant make food for themselves. They turn sunlight into food such as starch.
Plants are autotrophs, which means they make food themselves, they don't need food from other sources like animals. Therefore, chloroplast is not found in animal cells because we are heterotrophs, we feed on other food.
<span>Food molecules like lipids, proteins and polysaccharides are broken down enzymatically via digestion process, which occurs in our intestine cells (digestive system). Those large polymeric molecules are broken down into their monomer subunits—proteins into amino acids, polysaccharides into sugars, and fats into fatty acids and glycerol. Formed small organic molecules are now ready for the oxidation (a process that produces ATP and consumes O2) which occurs partly in the cytosol and in the mitochondrion. Oxidation processes include glycolysis and citric acid cycle which are differently required in different tissues. Nervous system (nerve cells) rely almost entirely on a constant supply of <span>glucose<span> from the bloodstream. In contrast, liver cells supply glucose to actively contracting muscle system which needs a lot of ATP energy.</span></span></span>