Glycolysis or EMP pathway is first stage of cellular respiration that occur in the cytoplasm of every living cell. It is a common process of both anaerobic and aerobic respiration. During glycolysis glucose, a 6 carbon sugar is converted into two molecules of pyruvate, a three carbon sugar. During this conversion 4 ATP molecules are produced. Two oxidise glucose to pyruvate, 2 ATP molecules are also required or used up. Thus, a net gain of 2 ATP molecules at the completion of glycolysis.
A. A newly paved parking lot
<span>The process by which most living cells generate energy during the process of aerobic respiration. CO2 release takes place at the stage of krebs cycle.
So according to above explanation
Krebs cycle , is the correct
El tejido óseo sirve como depósito y fuente de calcio para estas necesidades metabólicas críticas a través del proceso de remodelación ósea. El metabolismo del calcio está regulado en gran parte por el sistema endocrino de la hormona paratiroidea (PTH) -vitamina D, que se caracteriza por una serie de circuitos de retroalimentación homeostática.
Electromagnetic wave for the sound waves and some earthquake waves. Longitudinal waves for Ocean, light and other earthquake waves.