In terms of chemistry, saturated fats contain the maximum number or greatest amount of Hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to both the end and internal or middle carbons. Thus, there are no carbon to carbon double and or single bonds present.
Unsaturated fats though do have at least a minimum of 1 carbon to carbon double and or triple bond for the inverse or opposite explanation of what was mentioned, that it does not have the maximum number of hydrogen atoms within the internal and or external carbon atoms in the structure of the organic compound.
The structure of plasma membrane makes it selectively permeable allowing it to regulate the passage of substances into and out of the cell. Small nonpolar molecules can easily across the phospholipid bilayer of plasma membrane because it is hydrophobic. Polar molecules and ion cannot easily across the hydrophobic portion of plasma membrane because it is hydrophilic. Polar molecules and ions usually across the plasma membrane with the help of transport proteins.
When your body temperature is too high your blood vessels will dilate then your sweat glands secrete fluid and the heat is lost from the body.. there for without sweat you would “heat to death”