The correct answer is D
Worth is the word which is described as the value of the business or the net worth which is assets minus liabilities.
In accordance with the Veblen, the concept or the idea of the conspicuous consumption is developed or created. It is believing that the rich person or people are very concerned in showing off their wealth in order to prove their success in from of others.
So, Veblen would likely demonstrate their worth by purchasing the expensive jewels for his wife and then showing off the jewels at the parties.
c. Persistent excess capacity
Cost reduction is a process of reducing expenditure in a planned manner. The process of cost reduction requires continuity of cost analysis. The elements which are not of any use or contribute anything to the factors of the production are eliminated through this process. The elements of cost are examined critically before their elimination.
Loan investment account.. can be either side of the account depending on how the accountant set up the system
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