The correct answer is remote grandparents.
Remote grandparents refer to grandparents who only occasionally spend time with or interact with their grandchildren due to physical and/ or emotional separation. Grandparents might be physically and/ or emotionally separated from their grandchildren due to reasons such as living far away from each other or due to a divorce of the children's parents. Since Luisa and Mark only see and spend time with their grandchildren during holidays, they can be considered remote grandparents.
The study described above is an observational study.
The main difference between an observational study and an exepriment, is that in an experiment there is a manipulation of one or more variables, this usually happens in a controled environment. In an observational study, the conditions of the research subjects are not meant to be altered but only observed, surveys and interviews are common research techinques used for this purpose.
The example above is describing an observational study since there is no manipulation of variables, only a survey that aimes to understand the factors that influence the dependent variable, that in this case is anxiety.
Generally when you write a report you want a introduction paragraph. This will introduce the reader to what you’re going to say. Then you want to usually have at least 3 body paragraphs. This is where you talk about everything you need to. Lastly, you’ll need a conclusion paragraph. This paragraph wraps up / summarizes everything you said throughout the report.
You could explain this using the B. Mean world syndrome.
The Mean world syndrome is an <em>error in thought</em> in which an individual thinks <em>the world is a much more dangerous place than it actually</em> is because he/she has been long exposed to mass media.
In this case, we can see Martha watches <em>"quite a bit"</em> of television and mostly crime dramas. This long exposure has made her develop this syndrome and thus she believes that her city has a higher crime rate than it does.
Tell them the advantages, how it's helpful etc....