Reduce the rate of evolution
Sexual reproduction is the mode at which living organisms produce variation in species. This is important for phenotypic plasticity, adaptation, evolution and preservation of a species. The crux of sexual reproduction is to allow the exchange of genetic material between two genetically diverse individuals to produce offspring that are genetically diverse from both parents and the individuals in its clutch. Whenever sexual recombination occurs between hyphae of the same mating type there is no variation in genetic information and therefore no opportunity for variation. Unless there are external factors that influences gene sequences there will be few to no chances for variation. This reduces the rate of evolution considerable and exposes the specie to deletion if they encounter a disease or environmental condition they cannot overcome.
Answer : The characteristics of a non-governmental organizations are;
- Voluntarily formed;
- independent of government;
- They are not for private profit or gain; and
- Their principal is to improve the circumstances and prospects of disadvantaged poor needy people.
Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts Bay, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York.
The nomads used them to transport their loads and thus save themselves during desert journeys in Africa and the Middle East. Due to its endurance and ability to conserve water, the camel is the most suitable means of transport in the desert