"The Coriolis effect" is the one that prevents wind from blowing in a straight line from the north pole to the equator. The main reason for this effect is the spinning of our earth on its own axis. The earth spins faster near the equator than the poles. The reason is that the earth is wider near the equator. this causes the wind to deviate with the spin.
B - mRNA
C - nuclear pore
D - tRNA
E - ribosome
F - rRNA
<em>The entire structure illustrates the process of transcription and translation in a typical eukaryotic cell.</em>
The DNA (A) in the nucleus of the cell is first transcribed to mRNA (B). The mRNA produced is transported to the cytoplasm through the openings within the nuclear membrane - the nuclear pores (C). On getting to the cytoplasm, the mRNA binds to the ribosome (E) (carrying rRNA, F). The tRNA (D) carrying the specific anticodon for a particular codon on the mRNA then binds to the structure and the corresponding amino acid is released. A polypeptide bond is formed between subsequent amino acids and the ribosome moves along the mRNA chain until the translation process is complete.
1.- Arachnoid mater: Middle meninx; web-like.
2.- Dura mater<u>:</u> Tough, outer meninx.
3.- Epidural space: Space filled with adipose tissue.
4.- Pia mater: Thin meninx intimate with spinal cord.
5.- Subarachnoid mater<u>:</u> Contains cerebrospinal fluid.
6.- Denticulate ligaments
: Extension of pia mater attaching to dura.
A) exergonic; protons; glycolysis
The synthesis of ATP from ADP and Pi is an exergonic reaction. In mitochondria, ATP synthesis is driven by the flow of proton down a concentration gradient established by glycolysis.