this is the best I can do for you sorry let me know if this helps any.
When a stem cell divides, it first becomes an immature red blood cell, white blood cell, or platelet-producing cell. The immature cell then divides, matures further, and ultimately becomes a mature red blood cell, white blood cell, or platelet.
Answer is C because in exothermic reactions, energy releases.
in Cellular respiration,
ATP+H20 (water) = ADP+ Pi + Energy
So celullar respiration is exothermic and releases energy
Variations in evolution usually refers to variation of genes at a particular loci. This differs from diversity which is the total of genetic differences within a population. Speciation is the reproductive isolation of a subset of a population.
The definition of cell theory is as follows: <span>a </span>theory<span> in biology that includes one or both of the statements that the </span>cell<span> is the fundamental structural and functional unit of living matter and that the organism is composed of autonomous </span>cells<span> with its properties being the sum of those of its </span>cells<span>.</span>