Russians and formerly the Soviet Union called their spacemen cosmonauts. However, the United States and some other countries with space programs have used the word astronaut.
During the revolution in religion, the separation of church from state started. It took power away from Church leaders. As people start to think for themselves, they started to demand more power from within the church. Congregation started removing their pastors and influencing their pastors' messages and sermons to the Church. More importantly, there has been a new American concept of freedom as renewed intellectuals started studying religion. People started to question the Anglican Church structure, the head being the King of England, which eventually led to the American Revolution.
Europa es el cuarto continente más poblado después de Asia, África y América con una población de 735.000.000 o alrededor del 11% de la población mundial. En los siglos XVII y XVIII, las naciones europeas conquistaron y saquearon la mayor parte de África, América, y gran parte de Asia.
Reportedly inspired by a flight he took as a young child and his desire to walk on the clouds, Nkoloso's aim was to make Zambia the first country to reach the Moon.