Conversion disorder.
This is a psychiatric condition on which a person has physical symptoms resulting in paralysis, nervous system that cannot be explained by medical conditions. This can occur because of psychological conflict. People at risk are those with medical illness, dissociative disorder, personality disorder. Symptoms of these disease includes blindness, inability to speak, numbness, paralysis. There are various test that can be done to rule out organic cause of the disease.
A. True. y'w c: C; now have good day
- podría ser árboles
- flores como rosas, Girasol.Gardenia.Gerbera.Narciso.Dalia.etc
- could be trees
- flowers like roses, Sunflower.Gardenia.Gerbera.Narcissus.Dalia.etc
Las plantas terrestres o embriófitas son aquellas capaces de crecer y desarrollarse sobre la tierra. Son un clado o grupo monofilético descendiente de algas verdes y otras especies acuáticas, pero adaptado a la vida fuera del agua. Algunas embriófitas pueden ser semiacuáticas.
Terrestrial plants or embryophytes are those capable of growing and developing on land. They are a clade or monophyletic group descended from green algae and other aquatic species, but ada
Cost Issue
Their funding hasn't been secured to repurpose the land.