For careers, find something you enjoy doing, for jobs, kind of the same thing, just find it worthful. If you meant advice about careers and jobs then here you go, I mean it's never to late to choose one, so if you're asking yourself what career or job you should get then take your time choosing.
Mrs. Humphries asked who is ordering lunch today.
So I think at this point its quite clear... The American Dream has died... it was buried back sometime between 1955 and 1995 depending on who you talk to...But one thing is for certain, which is that its never coming back; not in its more traditional white picket fence, and solid corporate job form anyhow. And I for one am ecstatic....! Not for the total lack of economic security aspect, (which is distressing) but for the fact that people will be forced for once in their lives to try and define what it is that they really want out of life. Hope this helps!
I would feel unsafe and I would probably start double checking everything and plan for moving into a safer area if needed.