Drangonwings is a novel written by Laurence Yep. The novel is a children's historical novel. The book describes the life of Chinese immigrants in America in the early twentieth century through the life of a nine-year-old boy named Moon Shadow Lee.
The evidence that the film would need to include to show the possible difficulties the narrator and his father encountered in the novel will be by adding more conversation between US citizens and Chinese immigrants. The encounter of the Chinese immigrants with the US citizens will reveal the way citizens behaved with the immigrants.
Therefore, option A is correct.
I don’t see the sentences??????????
Good appearance helps to project a favorable first impression.
Appearance has a significant effect on how you feel about yourself, and on how other people see you. Physical appearance could have a vital impact on the professional career of an individual. There are company uniforms and grooming guidelines to organize the overarching company image. Appearance can affect how your superiors and colleagues view you and how much stock clients put into your skills, irrespective of your individual ability level. It influences how people view their intellect, knowledge, and skills. Outfits, grooming style, lockets, or pendants help to provide your religious and cultural beliefs and values.
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Environmental factors such as temperature, light, pH, and soil moisture are known to affect seed germination (Chachalis and Reddy 2000; Taylorson 1987). Burial depth of seed also affects seed germination and seedling emergence.