Physical goods that can be manufactured, or produced are the major items among those can be marketed. Examples include refrigerators, computers, music systems, food products, etc. Such physical goods constitute the bulk of production and marketing efforts. And here are the types of marketing Traditional Marketing. Traditional marketing refers to brand promotion on any kind of channel that has been around since before the advent of the internet.
"public static void passAList(ArrayList<Integer> myList, int[] intArr)", is the correct answer for the above question.
Missing information :
- The option is missing but the question states "choose from the following". The correct defining syntax is defined above.
Detailed Explantion :
- The above question asked about syntax which takes the value of list and array as an argument.
- It is already defined in the above syntax.
- And the value is passed by the user at the time of function call.
- The array list is defined by the help of the ArrayList class and the array is defined by the help of the "[]" symbol.
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