It depends what you are writing,some can be factual/informal,others persuasive ect
Deception often occurs when humans are in situations in which they face adversity or there is potential to improve their way of life. (this is my thesis for twelfth night. it's not amazing but it's refined and clear)
It could be said that Parris is the reverent of the community and it is revealed that his daughter might be sick so he prays for her. She is in bed and she seems not to have a cure for her illness so his father believed that Hale might find a cure for her.
Part and Whole
A gem is a part of the ring (which would be considered the 'whole').
When you Fail, there is always another oppurtunity to succeed
The first door is your chance, it's a better one than the second and have moderate results, But when the first door closes you still will have the second one incase you fail, the second door has a harder path, but WAY better results