The food that we eat give us the energy that we have in our bodies. That energy can help us in out everyday lives .
-carbohydrates contain carbon , hydrogen and oxygen
-also known as saccharides
-glucose is a hexose monosaccharide (composed of 6 carbons )
-two structural variations: alpha α and beta β glucose ,in which the OH group on carbon 1 is in opposite positions
- glucose : polar and soluble in water due to the bonds that form between the hydroxyl groups and water molecules
-glycosidic bond : bond formed between two glucose molecules by a condensation reaction forming a disaccharide
-fructose +galactose =sucrose
-galactose +glucose = lactose
- starch :many alpha glucose molecules can be joined by glycosidic bonds to form two slightly different polysaccharides
- one of the polysaccharides of starch is called amylose
- amylose : formed by alpha glucose molecules joined together only by 1-4 glycosidic bonds
-amylopectin: both 1-4 and 1-6 (every 25 glucose subunits )glycosidic bonds between alpha glucose molecules. 1-6 glycosidic bonds cause branching
-glycogen : more branches than amylopectin . Compact so ideal for storage . Speeds up the process of storing and releasing glucose molecules required in the cell.Insoluble
-hydrolysis reactions opposite of condensation reaction
-cellulose:beta glucose molecules. Join together by alternate beta glucose molecules turn upside down
- straight chain molecule: cellulose
-cellulose molecules make H bonds with each-other forming microfibrils. Microfibrils join together to form macrofibrils which combine to produce fibres
For effect #1, the mutation will become more common (A). This is because with the organism having more children, the trait will be passed around much faster and will spread to surrounding groups of animals.
For effect #2, the mutation will become more common (A). This is because the disease will kill the animals who do not carry the gene leaving only the animals with the trait, making it much more common
For effet #3, the mutation will disappear (B). This is because the animal carrying the gene will slowly die off. After all, they will not be able to reproduce and pass the gene to their children.
For effect #4, the mutation will remain at a low level (C). This happens because since it procures no change there will be no reason to transfer it so it will become a recessive trait in the animals.
Hope this helps. . . <3