A. The theory that the Sun is the center of the universe
Unquestionably, the Heliocentric Revolution is among the most important scientific breakthroughs ever. It involved the systematic replacement of the more recent Heliocentric Model, which accorded the sun global priority, with the earlier Geocentric Model, which put Earth at the center of the universe. From a philosophical standpoint, this would also alter how Western philosophers would need to redefine our significance in the cosmos. By casting doubt on their alleged infallibility in the sciences, it would politically undercut the influence of established religion, which supported the Geocentric model to a great extent.
Well, I'm not sure which war you're referencing. But, if it's WWI, they did it through war bonds and taxes. Mostly war bonds.
Temporarily balanced the interests of the North and South. It couldn't prevent the civil war though.
Being well trained and having a disciplined force was a big advantage for the British. It gave the soldiers the mind set of not running from anything or towards anything. They listened to their head general and they followed the orders of what they were supposed to do.