More students are affected by cyberbullying than not affected.
I got it correct on Edgenuity 2020.
A: Backstage view > Account Settings
An alien from planet Tao has descended onto Earth. The Internet is a massive network of networks, a networking infrastructure. It connects millions of computers together globally, forming a network in which any computer can communicate with any other computer as long as they are both connected to the Internet.
- A packet is the unit of data that is routed between an origin and a destination on the Internet or any other packet-switched network.
- Network packets are small amounts of data passed over TCP/IP networks.
- Latency measures the time it takes between your actions and the response between your computer, the internet, and everything in between.
- An IP address is a label which is used to identify one or more devices on a computer network. It is comparable to a postal address.
- The Domain Name System (DNS) is vital to the Internet, providing a mechanism for resolving host names into Internet Protocol addresses. Insecure underlying protocols and lack of authentication and integrity checking of the information within the DNS threaten the proper functionality of the DNS.
- Transmission Control Protocol is a standard that defines how to establish and maintain a network conversation through which application programs can exchange data. TCP works with the Internet Protocol which defines how computers send packets of data to each other.
"The employee pay rate is normal" is the correct answer for the above question.
- The above question code is written in the c++ language, in which there is one variable of bool type whose value is true.
- And this variable is also tested in the if-condition which gives the true and the if-body will be executed.
- Then the internal if-condition will give the false result because the value of the empsalary is not less than 45000. It is because the above statement "empsalary=45000" will assign the value 45000 on the empsalary variable.
- Then the else block will be executed which prints "the employee pay rate is normal".