Inertia- the tendency of an object to resist a change in velocity
Say a car was going at 65 MPH, but suddenly stopped. For all of the people in that car, their bodies would keep moving forward at 65 MPH until stopped by an equal force (say, the thing right in front of each person) The seatbelt is there to protect you from your own inertia.
It's a new environment.
People need to adapt to their surroundings if they are introduced to something new.
Pressure decreases with increasing altitude.
We use Chargaff's rule to get the answer.
[A] + [G] = [C]+ [T].
[A] + [G] + [C] + [T] = 100%
Where is A is Adenine, G is Gaunine, T is Thymine and C is Cytosine.
In DNA, Adenine always pairs with Thymine, and Guanine always pairs with Cytosine.
Therefore if Thymine is 35%, then Adenine will also be 35% to make 70% in total.
The remaining percentage will be 100% - 70% = 30%.
The 30% will be shared equally among Cytosine and Guanine, at 15% each. Therefore Cytosine will be 15%
In communities where zebra mussels have invaded we observed that the population of invertebrates, zooplankton, and phytoplankton they will decrease when in open water. The population of bottom-dwelling invertebrates which are in the littoral zone will increase.
Hypothesis shows the zebra mussels will affect the fish negatively that feed on plankton in the open water but affect positively the fish which feed on invertebrates which are in the littoral zones.
The predictions by following the invasion of zebra muscles show that the number and growth rate of fish species in open water will decrease in population whereas the number and growth rate of fish species in the littoral zone will increase in population.