Losing extra time to spend with his friends
Economists implement the term opportunity cost to denote that people have to give up on some things to acquire some other things they desire. As there is a limitation of resources, every time you choose the way to use them, you are at the same time giving up on some other options. In economics, whatever choice you make implies an opportunity cost.
Rights and duties are closely related and cannot be separated from one another. Both go side by side. These are the two sides of the same coin. If the state gives the right to life to a citizen, it also imposes an obligation on him to not to expose his life to dangers, as well as to respect the life of others. If I have a right to work and earn, it is also my duty to recognize the same right of others.
The definition states that human rights have to be protected by the law. In my opinion every human being should have human rights.
The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) is a constitutional body mandated with controlling corruption and investigating financial irregularities and corruption involving public officials. ... It aims to crack down on corruption using a systems-based approach.