The barter system, being the most efficient and simple came to be employed in Ancient Egypt. It must be noted, that barter means exchange, or something in return for another. No standard form of currency or coin or paper money was in use at the time. In Egypt, the barter method worked like this.
risk-a chance or possibility of loss
term-a specified period of time
tendency-a pattern that is likely to be followed
interest rate-an amount charged to use borrowed money
return-the money earned on an investment in a certain period of time
According to the doctrine of separation of powers, the U.S. Constitution distributed the power of the federal government among these three branches, and built a system of checks and balances to ensure that no one branch could become too powerful.
In the case Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court determined that segregation was allowed as long as the facilities were "separate but equal." This was overruled with Brown v. Board of Education
With Brown, African-Americans were given civil equality but were still treated as second class citizens and were thus not socially equal. So, social equality is how people actually treat each other while political equality is how they are treated by the law.