The 2 types of bone markings being identified would be the opening on the occipitomastoid suture in which the internal jugular veins would travel to carry the blood from one's brain to the heart and the Mandibular condyle of the mandible that would then form the temporomandibular joint.
That is false. Non-renewable energy sources are the major sources of energy production.
Population and nutrients, This is because if you have a large population then you must need a certain amount of nutrients to suit the population
The root and shoot systems facilitate the ability to absorb, CO2, light, water, and minerals. The root system consists of the roots, and the shoot system consists of the stems and leaves. Angiosperms and vascular plants rely on these two systems. Roots are nonphotosynthetic and starve unless photosynthesates are absorbed through the shoot system. The shoot system depends on the roots to absorb nutrients.
When small blood vessels beneath the skin are damaged, blood seeps into the soft tissues. This manifests as a bruise, also referred to as ecchymosis