Because people may make fun of you or call you some terrible things because stds are often linked by sleeping around (obvi not always true but that’s what people make it out to be)
and i’m good lol you?
The main structural difference between LDL and HDL is their compositions. Approximately 50% of the weight of an LDL particle is cholesterol and only 25% is protein. High-density lipoprotein particles, on the other hand, consist of 20% percent cholesterol by weight and 50% protein.
Peran DNA sense menjelang awal proses sintesis protein adalah DNA sense digonakan sebagai cetakan kode genetik yang dibutuhkan dalam pembuatan mRNA.
mRNA selanjutnya akan mendeteksi protein apa saja yang dibutuhkan tubuh sebelum sintesis protein
Semoga membantu
The Calvin cycle take place in the Stroma of the chloroplast. Calvin cycle is a set of chemical reactions that take place in the chloroplasts during photosynthesis. This cycle is light-independent since it takes place after the energy has been captured from sunlight. The process; involves four main steps; carbon fixation, reduction phase, carbohydrate formation, and regeneration phase.