northern China and southern Mongolia.
answer above
Yes that is true, once a king dies, the song usually becomes the new leader.
Answer: Intangible
Intangible in conflict resolution occurs when an active search for alternative paths or creative solutions to enlarge the amount, type, or use of the resources.
It is a form of back-up plan of the territory in case the negotiation fail or partially favorable.
District courts, circuit courts, and the supreme court. District courts are the local trial courts. Circuit courts are the court you go to when you appeal. Finally the supreme court is the final level of appealing.
Man in the middle attack(MITM)
This a term popular with hackers in computer and cybersecurity fields. The man in the middle attack describes a situation whereby there is an in-between in the perceived private conversation of two persons online. The middle man acts like an intermediary between these two, eavesdropping on each others conversation and controlling it while making it look as though they are having a private cyber conversation.