They provide an in depth comparison between just and unjust laws
Argentina : The crash of their banking system which led to poverty, bad living conditions and unemployment.
Bolivia : High crime rates without punishment by the government.
Chile : The living conditions are bad; such as the air pollution, deforestation and overall wildlife.
Colombia : Same as Bolivia and Chile, lots of corruption with the leaders too.
Paraguay : Same as Argentina. ( Put debt )
Peru : The gov. is very indecisive which leads to a lot of political issues.
Uruguay : Crash of the economy ( Same as Paraguay)
Venezuela : Lots of refugees aren't being recorder which makes living especially as a refugee very tough.
In 1776, it took the momentous step of declaring America's independence from Britain. Five years later, the Congress ratified the first national constitution, the Articles of Confederation, under which the country would be governed until 1789, when it was replaced by the current U.S. Constitution