◇ Discuss the ethical responsibilities of the politicians
➢ Each citizen has their own belief and morals toward a particularly controversial topic, nonetheless, it is the political authorities' duty to respect others' beliefs and advocate for the beliefs of their constituents while following the law and constitution.

Explanation: A controlled placebo experiment is a type of research method that is used to check the effectiveness of a drug in a patient. This is done by selecting a sample group, then randomly divide the two group into a placebo group ( this are the group that will receive the drug treatment ) and the controlled group( these are the group that will receive a coloured mixture that looks like the drug, but does not have any effect). Without the groups knowledge about the real drugs and the coloured mixture, but are followed up and tested.
This is a controlled placebo experiment, because 400 student has been choosed as the sample, and are divided into a placebo group and a controlled group, to check the effectiveness of a drug on their memory.
For Luther the true meaning of "church" was: a reunion of people who helps each other and money didn't mattered; but the Roman catholic church in that time needed money to do the "cupola di San Marco" in Rome (Vatican) so they started to sell forgets for the people sins, so the church started to gain money, and the population was sure not to go to hell. Luther believed that to be forgiven people would've repent and than, only by the true regret they could've been saved.
the good works were to help the poor and the ills and staying away from the richness of the superior and selfish church.
(sorry for my bad English, I'm from Italy)
Have good goals for yourself. Let your brain know that you need to do this or that. To help you you can volunteer at local soup kitchens or do a service project.
I believe Clinical psychology is the branch of psychology that focuses on mental illnesses and their preventions.