Is what you like different from other people?
The are asking a personal question. "How do your clothing preferences differ from those of your friends?" do you and your friends have the same style or are you different.
<u>Interpersonal </u>
When a conflict arises between individual members of an organization owing to differences in goals and values, such a conflict is referred to as interpersonal conflict.
As the word interpersonal suggests, inter i.e between and personal i.e person to person conflict, interpersonal conflict arises when the goals and values of individuals differ owing to which disagreements arise.
Goals and values may differ owing to several factors. Individual values are an outcome of an individuals own conscience and judgement apart from the society, an individual belongs to.
Such a situation is undesirable as it disrupts the coordination among employees and at the same time creates an atmosphere which is non conducive.
Because of supply and demand. More demand for a product makes the price go and and the supplier gives more because they get more
2 everything is technically about technology