1. Interoperability is important because it connected various systems from one departement of organization to another, which make it easier for us to monitor the overall operation in the organization.
2. If an inmate sees that a correcTonal oFcer is giving preferenTal treatment to other inmates, he will likely to display violent behaviors. On top of that, it will expose the prison departement towards potential lawsuit from those inmates.
3. The things that compels people to become informant are: - the benefit of punishment reduction , - life threatening situation if those people do not move from current place - patriotism
4 The type of barriers are Direct confrontaTon, which makes people appear hostile, theme development, and controlling denials which make people unable to listen opposing opinion
5.The three type of theme development in reid training are RaTonalizing the crime, blaming the vicTm or someone else for the crime, and minimizing the seriousness of the crime
6. Yes. Social media could be utilized to give information about police departement programs or help in spreading information (such as missing persons or wanted criminals)
7.Yes, i believe so. In united States, everyone had the right to plead the fifth and got appointed a lawyer without having to talk about anything during the interrogation.
8. No i do not believe so. There is no research that indicates polygraph result in reid technique provide reliable answer. Therefore, using this technique might lead to some misconclusion in the interrogation.
9. No, i would never do that. Simply because there is no positive outcome that i could get by acknowledging crimes i did not commit
10. Personally, i do not believe so. Even though 10 codes provides longer duration of process, it at least minimize the potential of the departement in making a mistake in its decision
A. 8%
In Canada, the 94% of the boreal forests are owned by the Government this means that the government can regulate how they are managed and how they're cut, in this case the Canadia Government protects 8% of the total countrie's forests for different reasons, it could be to protect it from deforestation, of because it is protected as a natural protected area.
Answer:This song is so good what do you need help with it tho!! It sounds great!!!
La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Desafortunadamente la pregunta no mencionada el tipo de encuentro ni el lugar, pero podemos comentar lo siguiente.
Los estereotipos culturales podrían afectar la interrelación entre las y los estudiantes que asisten a un encuentro ya que influyen de manera directa en la percepción que tendrán los estudiantes de los demás compañeros asistentes.
Un estereotipo es una imagen preconcebida que distorsiona la realidad. Y esto claramente afecta porque antes de conocer a tus compañeros asistentes, los puedes estereotipar por clase social, raza, o lugar de procedencia.
Por ejemplo, un grupo de estudiantes de una escuela privada conocida por ser de nivel social alto, y por ende cara, puede estereotipar a los alumnos de una escuela pública, al que asisten alumnos de nivel social bajo y sus alumnos no hablan ni visten como los de la escuela privada.
Así que lo importante no es estereotipar, sino llevar una mentalidad abierta para conocer a los compañeros. Y hasta no haberlos conocido y hablado con ellos, tener una opinión más certera.