Para la primera la respuesta es C, despues es D, y finalmente es B
Answer & Explanation:
When the going gets tough, the "summer soldier" and the "sunshine patriot" will stop helping. It's easy to help when you're not in dangerous and hard situations.
The Framers of the Constitution believed that the ideal size of government for preventing what they viewed as the worst inequality is:
d. The Framers believed the ideal government would be large enough to provide protection for the individual liberties of all through the development of large military forces.
Protection of individual liberties was the main aim. This is reason that the Constitution provided for a republican federal system of government. This system implies that power ultimately should come from the people, who are duly represented by their representatives. With the required representation and separation of powers, liberty will be ensured for all.
Frankly, I think that the motives of the conquistador lies in their name. These men wanted to conquer "the other," that which was in front of them. They did not come in peaceful harmony. Their motives were to conquer and capture that which existed in their path to extolling their own glory, and that of nation in a secondary capacity. The Conquistador use of force through the military reveals that their motives were to control New lands and native populations.