Respuesta corta: la palabra "Administración" se compone del prefijo "ad", término "minister" y el sufjo "tio" de origen griego.
La etimología es la disciplina que se encarga del estudio sobre el origen, significado y evolución de las palabras. De acuerdo a lo anterior, el origen etimológico de la palabra "administración" se compone del prefijo "ad" que significa adquirir; la palabra "minister" que significa subordinado y el sufijo "tio" que significa selección. En resumen el significado general de origen griego de la palabra administración es "función subordinada".
Strict constructionists and liberal constructionists differ in their attitude toward congresional power in that strict constructionists support a rigid interpretation; in this sense no right that is not expressly recognized should be awarded. Liberal constructionists support a broader interpretation.
The methods that the Chinese Nationalist government under Jiang was to regain equality with other countries and to make China a democracy. As for the Communists under Mao Zedong was to rebuild China after the war with Japan, they wanted China to have a new government. Also, the Communist party wanted to destroy the old Chinese traditional customs, thinking, and cultureas well as their habits. The communist party has won while the Nationalist party lost because the Nationalists party wasn't as organized as the Communists party.
The continued attacks at the ships and killing of American citizens by Germany led to US entering the World War.
At the start of the First World War, the United States was a neutral nation and would have likely remained one had it not been for the continued attacks by Germany. At this point in time, America was just a trading partner of Britain and did not really get involved in any of the ongoing war between the Allied Powers of which Britain was a member and the Central powers of which Germany was a part.
But the attack and continued warfare on the ships sailing to America by Germany led to the entry of the United States into the war. First was the sinking of several ocean liners, including <em>Lusitania</em>, and <em>William P. Frye (a private vessel)</em>, which the Germans believed carried weapons. The British/ Americans maintained these ships were just passenger ships with American citizens. Germany did not stop the attacks on vessels and ships, continuously killing American citizens and continued the sea warfare, thereby pushing President Woodrow Wilson to declare the US's decision to side with the Allied Powers in the war.
Can you tell me your name then