The center of the Milky Way most likely contains a supermassive black hole.
Because it is an eliptical galaxy, it has a little rotation to it but not enough to flatten out, thus the center would contain a supermassive black hole.
Recycling is the reuse of a product to make it new again into another product
increasing growth and decreasing rate of growth
Global population growth slowing due to greater longevity and lower fertility rates. The world's population is getting older and growing at a slower pace but is still expected to increase from 7.7 billion currently to 9.7 billion in 2050
The importance of having the US Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Park Service is to manage land resources for conservation and the development of natural resources.
The US Bureau of Land Management was mainly established to manage lands for different uses;
The US Forest Service was established to sustainable management of forest resources vis a vis conservation and sustainable usage;
The US Fish and Wildlife Service was established to conserve and protect wildlife/fishes with end goal being in the benefit of the populace;
The National Park Service was established to oversee all the National Park Systems and ensure that their intensities are maintained for the continuous enjoyment, entertainment as well as education of the masses.
If the main aim of establishing each body is examined closely, it would be discovered that their primary function is to manage land resources, conserve biological diversity and the environment's integrity as well as oversee the use of land and the resources it contains.