A communication barrier is anything that prevents us from receiving and understanding the messages others use to convey their information, ideas and thoughts.They can interfere with or block the message you are trying to send.
Students who plagiarize or otherwise engage in academic dishonesty face serious consequences. Sanctions may include, but are not limited to, failure on an assignment, grade reduction or course failure, suspension, and possibly dismissal.
Explanation:They are
Explanation:They are 1) start the process
Explanation:They are 1) start the process 2) Input N, the number for which multiplication table is to be printed
Explanation:They are 1) start the process 2) Input N, the number for which multiplication table is to be printed 3) For T = 1 to 10
Explanation:They are 1) start the process 2) Input N, the number for which multiplication table is to be printed 3) For T = 1 to 104) print M = N*T
Explanation:They are 1) start the process 2) Input N, the number for which multiplication table is to be printed 3) For T = 1 to 104) print M = N*T5) End for
Explanation:They are 1) start the process 2) Input N, the number for which multiplication table is to be printed 3) For T = 1 to 104) print M = N*T5) End for6) Stop the process
Following are the correct code to this question:
short_names=['Gus','Bob','Zoe']#defining a list short_names that holds string value
print (short_names[0])#print list first element value
print (short_names[1])#print list second element value
print (short_names[2])#print list third element value
- In the above python program code, a list "short_names" list is declared, that holds three variable that is "Gus, Bob, and Zoe".
- In the next step, the print method is used that prints list element value.
- In this program, we use the list, which is similar to an array, and both elements index value starting from the 0, that's why in this code we print "0,1, and 2" element value.