(in an echinoderm) each of a large number of small flexible hollow appendages protruding through the ambulacra, used either for locomotion or for collecting food and operated by hydraulic pressure within the water-vascular system.
If you did some reaseach the answer would be c.
c. The foods with antioxidants are: all berries are great (strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, etc.), green leafy vegetables, carrots, tomatoes, dark chocolate, nuts, kidney beans and all beans, all herbs and foods mother nature provides us.
When the ride is at the top of its pole, it has all potential energy. When it is in the middle, at 34 meters, it has 50% potential energy and 50% kinetic energy. When the ride is almost at the bottom, it has kinetic energy that turns into potential energy as it reaches the end.
The answer is a. It’s the only one with a control group