I'm not sure but maybe for the first it's less than 3% and for the second it's equal to 3%?
The correct answer is option (b) "addition of a drug that prevents the α subunit from exchanging GDP for GTP".
The G protein is a name given to a family of proteins that act as a switch in diverse cellular processes, transmitting signals from outside to inside of the cells. When a G protein receptor is activated by a neurotransmitter such as dopamine, the alpha subunit exchanges its GDP for a GTP and disassociates G-protein itself. An addition of a drug that prevents this action would prevent G protein disassociation, which would enhance the effect of stimulating G protein that acetylcholine does.
There are a number of ways to produce hydrogen: Natural Gas Reforming/Gasification: Synthesis gas, a mixture of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and a small amount of carbon dioxide, is created by reacting natural gas with high-temperature steam. The carbon monoxide is reacted with water to produce additional hydrogen.
As of 2020, the majority of hydrogen (∼95%) is produced from fossil fuels by steam reforming of natural gas, partial oxidation of methane, and coal gasification. Other methods of hydrogen production include biomass gasification and electrolysis of water.
Coal is an important source of energy in the United States, and the Nation's reliance on this fossil fuel for electricity generation is growing. The combustion of coal, however, adds a significant amount of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere per unit of heat energy, more than does the combustion of other fossil fuels