No options are given, but the most commonly used survey response methods are:
- Multiple choice questions = generally easy to code
- Rating scale questions = also easy to code, since response scales have a finite number of choices, e.g. 2 true/false, 3 agree/disagree/undecided, 5 very bad/bad/fair/good/excellent
- Matrix questions. = are a little bit more complex since they involve several rating scale questions, but it is not something difficult either
- Dropdown questions. = similar to multiple choice questions
- Open-ended questions. = this are hard to code since each subject can respond different things, e.g. the thing that I like the most about this project is bla, bla, bla. There are no pre-set answers given to the subjects. THIS TYPE IS THE MOST DIFFICULT TO CODE.
- Demographic questions = similar to multiple choice
- Ranking questions = similar to scaled questions
A gift card is something that anyone, of any age, can buy. This card works only at the certain business it is for. Such as a Burger King gift card, you can only use that card at Burger King. A checking account debit card is a card you can use in any situation, as long as they have the proper equipment. This card extracts money from your banking account, whereas the gift card has a set amount of money on it. Also, a checking account debit card is only given to people 18 and over, since signing a check is technically signing a contract, and using a debit card goes along the same lines as signing a check.
A. Arrive early.
Dependable: Trustworthy and reliable.
B. Arriving with snacks doesn’t get you anywhere.
C. Arriving late isn’t even up for debate.
D. A day off is a day off for a reason, go home pal.
- Don't Chew Gum
- Listen Attentively
- Sound Enthusiastic and Sincere
- Use proper language and enunciate clearly
(Avoid Clarifying vague questions might be an answer but not sure. I'm sorry if I am wrong)
Answer: difficult and not as clear-cut as U.S. firms would like them to be
The issues associated with social responsibility and ethical problems doesn't pertain to a particular income level or economic system.
Even though businesses in the United States always demand socially responsible behavior and good ethics from their international suppliers, the issues of social responsibility and ethical behavior are still difficult and not as clear-cut as they want them to be.
This is really a bothering issue has even been suggested in the past whether the international suppliers should be made to adhere to the laws I the United States.