Seth's meticulous lab work makes him better suited for Diagnostics than for Therapeutic Services. Seth's dexterity makes him better suited for Diagnostics than for Therapeutic Services
Make bags of air with some potato slices at the bottom.
Answer: your bag will finish at 2112.
Explanation: (38gtt/min) × (10gtt/ml).
Cross multiply. (38gtt×1ml) × (1min×10gtt)
This gives you 38/10...and the gtts cancel out so, it's 38ml/10min.
Simplify this to 3.8 ml/min.
Now, 3.8ml/x min = 500 ml.
Take 500/3.8. This gives you about 132 minutes if you round to the nearest minute. 60 min/he means 132 min = 2h12m. 2h12m from 1900 is 2112.